Nobody doubts that it's important that the decorations and clothing your bridesmaids be color coordinated at your wedding. But something that many people overlook, which is equally important, is that your wedding favors match your overall look and theme. In a certain sense, garden wedding favors and spring wedding favors are like, however, you must make sure that the specific color shades match the setting of your wedding as well as your wedding theme. Depending on your weather and where in the country you are, a spring wedding may or may not take place outside. A garden wedding almost certainly will. And even though both the garden and spring events will make heavy use of color and flowers, the colors will be slightly different. It's essential that your spring wedding favors or garden wedding favors match your decorations, flower arrangements, and the wedding party's attire, as well as all other aspects of the wedding.
Let's talk first about spring wedding favors. The colors you normally associate with Easter are the colors you will use for your favors. This means lots of pastels, which are light and eye-pleasing. The soft colors will not pull attention from the bride, where it should be. Some preferred color choices for your spring wedding favors will include pink, lavender or light turquoise. On the other hand, avoid yellows and oranges as well as darker hues. Blue and gray in particular are terrible choices.
Now for garden wedding favors: Most wedding planners agree that color coordination for outdoor weddings can be a nightmare. It's true that a garden wedding is romantic and sophisticated and beautiful, but many things can go wrong in the color department. As an example, just a small thing like the sun hiding behind the clouds might change the entire look of things from what you had planned. To see how dramatic this difference can be, all you need to do is look at a person in a dimly-lit room, and then compare with how that same person on the same night wearing the same clothes looks in a brightly-lit room.
This even holds true if some people from the wedding party are seated in the shade. None of this is meant to scare you, just to warn you to be careful what colors you choose for your garden wedding favors. Make sure they fit the theme but are neutral enough that the whole look might change with a change in the weather. Keep in mind, too, that there's some variation from the use of colors from the spring wedding we've already discussed. Many times pastel colors don't look right outside. For the reasons above, their true colors might change too easily depending on the weather. Shade, sunlight, even other vegetation can too easily clash with pastel colors. Therefore, as you're selecting the favors, chose greens, reds, and light blues--solid colors. They simply work better for garden weddings.
Also, try to have a variety of colors for your favors, whether garden or spring wedding favors. Selecting only one color, and spreading these all around the wedding area, will tend to appear bland. On the other hand, spreading too many colors around the area might look tacky. Two colors is always a safe way to go, although three can look stunning when balanced correctly. Also, try not to dazzle people with too much color. Finally, don't select white by itself. While color can be used to accent white, white by itself appears boring and sometimes blinding.
No matter whether you're selecting garden or spring wedding favors, keep in mind that you must keep them simple. Also, it's important that they blend in well with all of your table decorations. Make sure that they're small enough that the guests can carry them easily. Too big and they're not only unwieldy to carry, but might block the guest' view as they're sitting at their tables. Finally, be sure that the gifts are enjoyed almost universally. We're talking about items that have proven themselves over and over such as champagne glasses, bottle openers, shot glasses, candles, key rings, picture frames, etc.
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